
I am Usama Safdar Khan from Lahore, Pakistan with 5+ years of professional experience as a Frontend Developer | UI/UX Frontend Developer | UI Engineer and WordPress Developer is my bonus skill. I would like to help you by offering my experience to make your idea come true, or even solving technical issues in your project. I am focused on quality and transparency. I have worked on large-scale projects and applied good programming and technical techniques to solve complex problems.

I am an expert in Frontend(HTML, Bootstrap, ReactJs, VueJs, UI ) and WordPress (PSD to WordPress, Figma to WordPress, HTML to WordPress, Elementor Pro ) Development. I design websites from scratch and write whole code by my hand. I take care of UI and functionality on all devices and browsers.


Bahauddin Zakariya University
学士, 技术学士, BS-CS‎
Computer Science
CGPA 2.8/4


熟练 Bootstrap
中级 CSS3
中级 JavaScript
中级 React JS
初学者 SASS
中级 Social Media Strategists